Reviews in HuffPost and LA Review of Books; "Surrogacy Stories" in Public Books


Claire Fallon gives The Gulf a very kind and thoughtful review in HuffPost:

When we can’t comfortably talk about the weather, there’s really nothing left ― nothing that doesn’t violate the “no politics, no religion” dictum of polite social chatter. Talking about the weather has become talking about the climate, and the climate has become a fraught topic. It’s terrifying to realize that everything, even the weather that we often register only as background noise, has fangs and that the warning signs we brushed off for years ― the hotter summers, the wildfires, the unpredictable storm patterns ― presaged an apocalypse. The vicious extremes float up from beneath the placid surface of Boggs’ light comedy, just as they float up from beneath polite small talk and slightly strained Thanksgiving dinners. In ”The Gulf,” it’s not so much that the divides between us are trivial or can be overcome through love, but that they can’t be overcome through willful ignorance. The weather demands our attention, not because it’s safe or even thrilling to watch from a glassed-in room, but because it’s deadly.

"Born-Again Grifters: On Belle Boggs's The Gulf" in Los Angeles Review of Books. 

"Surrogacy Stories" by Emily Anne Foster in Public Books touches on The Gulf and The Art of Waiting as well as Joanne Ramos's The Farm in a wide-ranging review essay.

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